Google's Mega SERP by Dr. Pete

Google’s Mega SERP by Dr. Pete [INTERGRAPHIC]

In SEO by Team WriterLeave a Comment

So I came across a very interesting post on Moz about all of the different areas on Google SERPs you can see depending on what you search for.

The post is interesting and I recommend you give it a read. It was done by Dr. Pete who put together an image of the different “things” you can see when doing some Googling. It isn’t a real result, but rather a collection of actual results pieced together. I liked it so much that I decided to turn it into an Intergraphic, which you can see below. Just hover over the red bullseyes to see a description of each area – they will appear when you hover over them. There is also an option to share this image with the share icon in the upper left corner.

Google's Mega SERP by Dr. Pete

what’s an Intergraphic? Hover over this Intergraphic to interact with it. Share it using the icon in upper-left corner.

My takeaway from this is that SEO is evolving at a rapid pace and simple strategy of trying to rank for traditional, organic results is not enough. There are a multitude of areas we need to be focusing with respect to SEO.

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